A completed application does not equal acceptance into the market. Market management will notify applicants of their approval status on or before March 1, 2025, if applying in February. Applications received after February 19 will be reviewed weekly through Labor Day.
How to Apply:
Please create a profile on Marketspace and complete the application. Current Marketspace users will use their original log in to complete an application.
Review your application (incomplete applications will not be considered) and select dates.
Pay the $20 non-refundable application fee via Marketspace to submit your application for approval.
All applications must be completed and accompanied by the $20 non-refundable application fee. Once approved, you must supply necessary documentation including liability insurance, health department certificates, business license etc. for final approval.
Click the blue APPLY button to complete an application. If you don’t see the button, refresh your page or visit https://marketspread.com/market/29557/hip-donelson-farmers-market/
Please Note: Applying to the Market does not guarantee your space. Our application proceeding is a competitive process wherein vendors are chosen based on quality of product, needs of the Market, available space and market-readiness. Priority in applications is given to diverse, sustainable local farms, food vendors with local ingredients, vendors with environmentally-friendly practices, new/beginning farmers or food businesses, and BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ owned businesses. Our mission is to create a healthy, viable mix of new and returning vendors with consistent quality and variety.
The applications do not expire so there is no need to apply more than once during the season. If you are not added, your business type may not be needed at our market. When there is an opening for your kind of product, your chance of being selected will increase. If you haven’t heard from us in a while, feel free to inquire about the market environment.
HIP Donelson Farmers Market management may request additional information, a site visit, a meeting and/or product samples if we are considering you for approval.
If you have questions about the status of your application, please log into MarketSpread to view any updates or messages. For additional help, please email marketmanager@hipdonelson.com